Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete our survey, we will now analyse the survey results and if there's enough community support for the proposal, we will look at holding a three month trial of the suggested changes.

We've heard from our community that traffic congestion is a problem around Hunter Valley Grammar School, particularly along Norfolk Street, causing traffic and safety issues around the school.

We’ve been working with Hunter Valley Grammar School and local police regarding these issues and are proposing a short term trial of minor road changes to improve traffic flow around the school at peak times to improve road safety, and ensure that the kiss and ride school pick up zone remains safe and functional.

Proposed changes include a no right hand turn into the kiss and ride from Norfolk Street, Ashtonfield and no stopping restrictions along Celebes Street between 8.00am- 9.30am, and 2.30pm- 4.00pm. See a map below for details.

Proposed traffic changes

Proposed traffic changes at Hunter Valley Grammar School