We are reviewing your feedback

Consultation for this project is now closed. Thank you to everyone who provided their feedback.

What are we trying to achieve?

Maitland City Council wants to support interested community members to establish community gardens within the Maitland LGA on Council land.

To achieve this, we are currently developing a Community Gardens Framework. As part of this framework Council has pre-identified a number of potential sites which interested garden groups may apply to use. These sites are all on Council land. We want to hear your feedback on these site locations, as well as if there are other sites you are interested in.

Potential Community Garden sites:

  1. Alyce Close, Bolwarra Heights
  2. Fern Place park, 3 Fern Place, East Maitland
  3. Centennial Park, Hinder St, East Maitland
  4. Front of East Maitland Library, Garnett Road, East Maitland
  5. Eckford Reserve, Mawson Avenue, East Maitland
  6. Joseph Maxwell VC Park, Scenic Drive, Gillieston Heights
  7. Adjacent Gillieston Heights Playground, Redwood Drive, Gillieston Heights
  8. Adjacent Ernie Jurd Oval Playground, Corner Church St and Dunmore Road, Largs
  9. Bristol Street park, Bristol Street, Woodberry