Public exhibition is now open
Maitland Council’s Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure on Public Land Policy has been developed with the purpose of providing guidelines for the installation and management of electric vehicle charging infrastructure (EVCI) on Council Managed Public Land in the Maitland LGA. Council has identified a need to increase the availability of publicly accessible EV chargers to create an equitable public charging network, responding to the current gaps and future charging needs and developments within the LGA.
The main objectives of this policy are to:
- provide guiding principles for the provision, establishment, operation and management, maintenance and removal of EVCI on appropriate parcels of Public Land in the Maitland LGA;
- identify that EV charging infrastructure on Council Managed Public Land may be owned and operated by Council or owned and operated by a Third-Party Charge Point Operator (CPO) under an agreement with Council;
- outline the roles and responsibilities for third party CPO operated sites the roles and responsibilities of the CPO and Council in relation to the establishment, operation, management and removal of EVCI;
- promote visitation to the region by encouraging the placement of EVCI at desirable locations to increase charging options and confidence in ability to make longer journeys in an electric vehicle.
- support the uptake of sustainable transport options which will aid the community in reducing emissions in the Maitland LGA
- attract and support investment to deliver EVCI improvements in Maitland
- address EV parking signage, fees and pricing