Updates on the East Maitland Roller Skate Facility

In August 2023, Council heard from local residents their thoughts and suggestions on the proposed East Maitland Roller Skate Facility. Thank you to everyone who provided their feedback.

Following the consultation, a preliminary concept plan has been developed for the site and the project will be considered for relevant funding opportunities in the future. In the meantime, feel free to visit the free spaces within Harold Gregson reserve for your roller skating needs.

Follow this project to be kept up to date on outcomes.

Thank you to everyone that took the time to complete our survey and visit our pop up event. We encourage you to follow this page to receive updates on new milestones.

Thank you to everyone who contributed ideas and suggestions via the survey or one of the pop-up events.

A commitment in our 23/24 Operational Plan is to develop a concept plan, location and costing estimate for an outdoor roller skating facility in the City.

We think the East Maitland Skate Park precinct is a suitable location for this facility due to its proximity to other sporting facilities, its dense surrounding population and its level topography making it ideal for a flat roller skate track. But before we start our planning, we first want to hear from you.

We intend for this be a public facility open to all, as well as a location for roller skating clubs to meet and train.

Proposed site location