We are reviewing your feedback

Community consultation has closed. Thank you for providing feedback via the quick poll, survey and/or ideas map. The results of the survey will be communicated in the final VIS Review Report.

What are we seeking to achieve?

We're undertaking a review of visitor information services to ensure they meet the current and future needs of visitors, residents and businesses.

The stakeholder survey has now closed. Thank you for providing feedback via the quick poll, survey and/or ideas map. The results of the survey will be communicated in the final VIS Review Report.

We've done our initial research and drafted a Visitor Information Services Review Report which formed the basis of our online and offline engagement with you.

The Visitor Information Centre is located at the corner of New England Highway and High Street, Maitland. Of the 708,000 visitors to Maitland, only 0.5% use this face to face service. Subsequently, Council has agreed that providing only a visitor information service is underutilising the site.

Fast Facts

This image provides a range of facts related to visitor information services in Maitland.